Evaluation Subcommittee

Mission: Evaluate and measure progress toward the cancer plan goals and report progress to the Pennsylvania Cancer Coalition.

The evaluation of Pennsylvania’s Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (CCCP) is a systematic approach to ensure the program is working to prevent or reduce cancer morbidity and mortality, and account for public health actions. The evaluation process enables the CCCP to assess the extent to which strategies and interventions are being implemented and meeting expected and projected outcomes. It allows for ongoing assessment and informing of program planning, decision-making, and continuous quality improvement. It provides individuals and organizations invested in the program with the opportunity to become engaged in the response to evaluation results. Evaluation of Pennsylvania’s cancer programs and initiatives stem from three powerful and integrated elements.

This structure supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) requirement to focus on three key aspects of state-level cancer control activities: PROGRAM, PARTNERSHIP, AND PLAN. These interconnected elements foster strong alliances among cancer control stakeholders and instill positive outcomes. CCCP develops a Five-Year Comprehensive Cancer Control Evaluation Plan (Evaluation Plan), which describes the overall approach and design that guides evaluation activities and requires annual updates to ensure improvement is ongoing.

An Evaluation Report is published yearly and illustrates a systematic account of the CCCP’s evidence-based interventions (EBIs), activities, and goals progress. The focus of this evaluation report is the three key aspects of state-level cancer control activities as required by the CDC, CCCP, PCC and the 2019-2023 Pennsylvania Cancer Control Plan (Cancer Plan).

The evaluation is led by the Evaluation Subcommittee, members of the Pennsylvania Cancer Coalition (PCC), the CCCP’s Policy and Evaluation Manger and the external evaluator. Utilization of evaluation data from the three components promotes and supports an environment of ongoing quality improvement, fosters data-driven decisions, and adapts to ever-changing program needs across the cancer care continuum.

Meeting Minutes:

For questions or inquiries, contact
Mark Wojtowicz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Heather Batson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.